Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pothos Plant or Money Plant – Purify Your Indoors

This is by far the easiest plant to grow and with its moniker ‘Money Plant’, I guess it is really one of the first choices to get started with. Now these leafy vines can be grown easily in containers. While left free to grow in the woods these plants can actually reach a height of up to 40 feet in the jungles of the tropics. In containers they can grow up to 8 feet if given enough support and care. 

It is the leaves of the pothos plants that make them attractive. These plants are available in many nurseries, but since many houses have them too – it is good to take a good cutting from any of your friends’ or acquaintances' homes to pot them in your containers. When these plants start growing you can provide them support with moss sticks or let them trail along merrily on your balcony walls. You can also place hooks on the walls to give them support or let them trail along the window railings.

Potting Pothos to Give it a Bushier Look

The pothos plants are also very popular indoor plants. They are known to purify the air indoors. Since they don’t need too much of sunlight, they can be easily be grown indoors. You can make them grow bushier in pots by simply planting several cuttings in the pots. A medium sized container can hold up to 8 cuttings easily. The best way to do this is to make a cutting just under a node. You can make several such cuttings and place them so that the nodes are in water. Most of the nodes will begin to produce roots in a few days. Once the roots are strong enough (about 1 to 2 inches in length) you can start potting them. Make sure that the potting medium is well draining. I usually place some gravel at the bottom of the pot. You don’t need to water them every day. Over watering these plants can cause rotting of the roots. 

While pothos plants are pretty much happy to simply grow profusely in a good potting mix of compost and soil, if you want to give them a prod for more foliage, you can use an all-purpose fertilizer fortnightly.

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